Welcome to AAUW-Auburn CA

President’s Message

Welcome to AAUW Auburn. AAUW (American Association of University Women) advocates for gender equality in education, economic security, and leadership at the national, state, and local levels.  We empower women through scholarships, sponsorships, public policy advocacy, and training. Check out the resources at https://www.aauw.org/get-empowered/

The Auburn AAUW Branch provides scholarships to graduating high school students, women returning to college to complete an education, those moving from a 2-year college to 4-year university, and graduate students. We also support a number of “Trek” programs including Tech Trek (a science, technology, engineering and math oriented camp), Speech Trek and Gov Trek.

But there is so much more to enjoy with Auburn AAUW. Our Branch members may participate in a number of Interest Groups offering educational, active and social opportunities including book clubs, creative arts, bridge, gourmet, hiking and other groups. We also encourage all members to try out our Volunteer activities.

Join AAUW Auburn to reinvigorate friendships and meet new people from our community. Come meet fabulous folks who drive, influence, and support so much of the Auburn Community. Join for the mission and stay for the fun!

Trivia Bee

The Bee will be held on Saturday March 29, 2025 from 5:00 – 9:00 pm at the First Congregational Church, Auburn.   

Tickets are available for purchase at the top of this page.

See our Trivia Bee page for more about the Bee and the opportunity to participate as a team, sponsor a team, and support the event. 

Next meeting:

Monday April 14, 2025  – General Meeting – Slate of Officers. 1:00-3:00 pm – ROSE ROOM. Coffee, tea and light refreshments provided

Contact us at auburnaauw@gmail.com or Auburn AAUW, P.O. Box 7872, Auburn, CA 95604